The Castleview Weight Loss Center presents their 2020 90-Day Weight Loss Challenge for all interested community members that are over the age of 18 years old.

“So we do this every year, at the beginning of the year, try to get that New Year’s resolution jump start to the year 90-day weight loss challenge. So it starts next week January 6 is the beginning day to sign-up,” said Weight Loss Center Representative, Jessica Valdez. Any interested individuals will need to stop by the Castleview Weight Loss Center located at 280 North Hospital Drive, Suite 5 in Price between January 6 through January 10 to register. The cost to participate will be $30.00 per person.

“We are doing teams of four, you are able to sign-up as an individual if you don’t have a team, that’s totally fine, there’s still options to win as an individual. It is, like I said, 90 days or 12 weeks,” said Valdez. There will be bi-weekly weigh-ins to track participant’s progress which will be conducted Mondays, Tuesdays or Fridays between 8:30 am to 4:30 pm at the clinic.

Throughout the challenge, all participants will receive a free 12-week membership to the Jeff Manley Wellness Center, plus receive weekly emails on nutrition tips, workout ideas and get a peek at leader boards. Cash prizes will be awarded to the winning team, top male and top female. Winners are chosen by total percentage lost. The cash prize amount is based on challenge participation because it is paid from total participants registration fees.

For more information on the 90-Day Weight Loss Challenge call Castleview Weight Loss Center at (435) 637-4590.

